New Equipment
- SELPA coordinator sends purchase order for equipment and provides tags to Pacific Hearing Services
- PHS delivers equipment to student
- PHS sends assigned delivery receipt to SELPA business department. Receipt includes student name, site, make, model, serial numbers, and tag numbers
- SELPA business department enters equipment in database with LIE numbers, serial numbers, and tag numbers.
Returned Equipment
- Equipment returned to DM Ops with student name and site
- DM Ops coordinator reports returned items to PHS to confirm all components assigned are returned
- PHS informs DM Ops if all components are accounted for or what components are missing
- DM Ops notifies SELPA business department of returned and/or missing equipment
- SELPA business department updates database
- SELPA business department updates database with new student and site information
DM Ops |
Lost and Repaired Equipment
- PHS is notified of lost equipment
- PHS reassigns equipment in inventory or orders replacement equipment
- PHS sends assigned delivery receipt to SELPA business department. Receipt includes student name, site, make, model, replacement serial numbers, and tag numbers
- SELPA business department updates database with serial number as needed
- For repaired equipment, PHS notifies SELPA business department of new serial number to update database
End of School Year
- PHS generates and sends list of students assigned equipment by LEA and site to the SELPA coordinator
- SELPA coordinator distributes list to LEA coordinator
- LEA coordinator distributes information to site contact
- Site contact inventories equipment
- If the student stays at the school site, secure equipment and note location on inventory log
- If the student is remaining in the LEA but is changing sites, equipment is returned to the LEA coordinator to secure and location is noted on the inventory log
- If the student is changing LEAs or leaving the SELPA, equipment is returned to LEA coordinator, noted on log, and returned to the SELPA coordinator
- LEA coordinator sends copy of completed inventory log to SELPA coordinator
- SELPA coordinator shares log with PHS for any needed follow-up
Beginning of School Year
- SELPA coordinator updates inventory log and distributes to PHS and LEA coordinator
- If student stays at the school site, LEA coordinator arranges transfer and in-service of equipment
- If student is remaining in the LEA but is changing sites, LEA coordinator arranges transfer and in-service of equipment
- If student is changing LEAs, SELPA coordinator will contact LEA coordinator to arrange transfer and in-service of equipment
File Inventory
Purge student files annually at the end of each school year (until an electronic record is in place)
- SELPA coordinator emails LEA coordinators a list of students who were not seen in the past year, moved, etc.
- SELPA coordinator double checks MIS against audiology roster