Transition Services

Successful transitions are well-planned, thoughtful actions designed to accomplish particular outcomes. Planning and communications are essential to provide a smooth transition , to encourage and sustain collaboration among families and agencies involved, and ensure appropriate services for students with disabilities. A transition plan includes several goals and serves as a guide to students throughout the transition process.

  • Parents must advocate for their children within the educational system and the agency structure, believe in them, and play a role of educator in the home environment.
  • Students must accept the responsibility to be engaged, responsible individuals who attend school regularly, participate in setting goals for the future, and identify how those goals will be achieved.
  • Educators must accept the responsibility to immerse youth in the learning process with a standards-based, contextual learning approach to teaching that includes school-and-work-based learning experiences.
  • Agency personnel must treat each student as an individual and be committed to meeting each student's needs by determining what services the agency might provide and coordinate.

If everyone on the IEP team accepts these transition planning responsibilities, collaborates effectively, and follows through on the agreed-upon transition services, students with disabilities will have a greater chance of leaving school fully prepared and enthusiastic about heir futures.

Transition Plan: The Basics (CDE)